A Letter to the Woman Tired of Money Fights in Her Marriage // Jonathan and Amanda Teixeira


You’ve probably heard the statistic - nearly half of Americans (48%) who are married or living with their partner say that they argue with that person about MONEY. Most of those money fights are about spending habits, with one person saying that the other spends too much and the other person saying the other is too cheap. Then comes fights about being dishonest with money, how to pay the bills, forgetting the bills (been guilty of that one before) and financial priorities. 

So what’s a Catholic to do with those kinds of odds? It’s a loaded answer- but I know part of it is witnessing the joy of a couple who have worked through major financial decisions together and seeing their joy and their peace and their mission to help others have that same experience when it comes to their finances. 

For only the second time in the nearly five years that I’ve been hosting this podcast, I’m joined today not only by Amanda Teixeira, but also her husband Jonathan, and guys, it’s such a good conversation. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much in one episode. 

We’re talking about everything from whether or not we should actually be tithing ten percent to getting on the same page with your spouse about finances and truly dreaming together. 

If you know all too well those arguments about finances and you just want to know how to get the financial results you want while actually enjoying your life and your marriage, sister, this letter is for you.

Topics we talked about in this episode:

  • How Jonathan and Amanda paid of $25,00 in debt in less than eight months and what that taught them about finances

  • The four phases of the WalletWin method and how they can free you from financial stress and say yes to generosity

  • Why God doesn’t want just ten percent of your money and how you can give God your all

  • The boundaries you can set up around money so you can build wealth without losing your soul

  • What St. Katherine Drexel teaches us about radical generosity

  • How Jonathan witnesses Amanda’s feminine genius in their marriage (and how Amanda sees Jonathan’s masculine genius!)

Resources you should check out after listening to this episode:

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